Installing prunito

Prunito is packaged as a wheel and can be installed using pip. This will also install all the (mandatory) dependencies. Python >=3.6 is required. As usual, it probably best to install prunito and its dependencies into a dedicated virtual environment.

  1. Create a virtual environment

    Using conda from the Anaconda Python distribution :

    • Create a new environment (e.g. called myenv) which runs Python 3.6 and has pip installed:

      conda create -n myenv python=3.6 pip
    • Activate the env:

      conda activate myenv

    Using venv in a regular Python installation. Python is usually available out of the box on Linux:

    • Ensure that the version of Python used is 3.6 or higher:

      python --version
    • Create a new environment (e.g. called myenv). ensurepip will bootstrap pip into the env:

      pyvenv /path/to/new/virtual/environment/myenv
  2. Install prunito with its dependencies:

    pip install prunito-<version-py3-none-any>.whl


All of the following packages have to be installed some of which come with their own dependencies but those should be taken care of by running the usual pip command: